The idea for this project came about when I saw someone base their own project off the seven deadly sins. Inspired, I sought to do my own version that was different from any other one that I have seen before. I settled upon the subject matter of statistics in America when I came to the realization that I don't really get the opportunity to do infographics as much I would like to. So to kill two birds with one stone, I started doing my research. Since the year 2015 is still in progress, most of the information is based on the year 2014. Enjoy!
Gluttony "Obesity in America"
Lust "Porn in America"
"The 1% vs the 99% in America"
Pride "Personal Debt in America"
Sloth "Binge Watching in America"
Wrath "Hate Crimes of America"
Envy "Cosmetic Procedures in America"